We just returned from Bitburg after attending the annual Bader Markt held there. Ealier in the week, while having the Polo repaired, our trusty auto mechanic tipped us to this great annual event and explained it would be much like a home show held in the states. The several vendors for heat pumps, water purifying machines, and the new cool-looking window shades were interesting (everything was in German, so I didn't understand most of the new innovations and instead pointed to the gadgets and give my "oh and ah" to the salesman in my version of the German language....which is not that great). The star attraction for the show (for me anyway) was sitting in the drivers seat of a 2010 A3. Thought seriously about taking one home.....or at least on the autobahn for a test drive. The true highlight of the event was discovering the best dessert EVER: a crepe, filled with Nutella and a sliced banana, served warm. Slice of heaven I tell you. While enjoying my tasty treat, I noticed an interesting drink: Schwip Schwap which is described as cola plus orange. Interesting combination....not sure if I have ever thought of that. Since I drink around 5 sodas in any 12 month period, I am by no means an expert on the current soda flavors. However, this one caught my eye....so I tried it. Huh. Tastes like Coke going down.....and then has an orange after taste. Not bad. It's better than the "Apfel-Waldbeere" (apple and wild berry) drink I picked up at the store. Why these German kids insist on adding seltzer bubbles to EVERY water and fruit drink is beyond me. I know one thing: neither drink will EVER be enjoyed in my new 2010 Audi A3.....if I ever buy one.

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